Rare Mammoth Find in Uzbekistan

When I lived in Uzbekistan it felt like people had been living there forever. But then something like this comes along in the news and reminds me that its history goes well-beyond the ancient fortifications in the western part of the country.

Case in point: Uzbekistan made the news over the weekend in the archaeological field when a southern mammoth’s tusks and teeth were discovered 50 km (20 miles) south of Tashkent. Previous discoveries of this species measured 4-4.5 meters (13-15 feet) tall, but this one is much bigger at 5.5 (18 feet) meters tall.

This is the first time a southern mammoth has been found in Uzbekistan, and archaeologists believe that there are more fossils to be uncovered from this area because it was once the sight of a large river that was abundant in flora and fauna. This particular southern mammoth is believed to have lived between 2.6 and 0.7 million years ago. It wasn’t until a spring time mudslide near the town of Akhangaran exposed the fossil.

If you are interested in visiting this fascinating archaeological site, contact our office in Tashkent (travel.roxanatour@gmail.com) to arrange a tour for you!

Posted by Greg Stephenson

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