Знакомьтесь, Носир!

As you go through life, you’ll meet people that brighten your day because they’ve got that infectiously cheerful disposition that makes one feel safe, secure, and comfortable. At Roxana Tour, we’re...


Знакомьтесь, Диля Аманова!

Say hello to Dilya Amanova! Dilya was born and raised in Tashkent, and still lives there today. Ever since she was a kid, she was always interested in meeting people from other countri...


Политические новости из Узбекистана

Over the past few weeks I've noticed an increase in the number of stories about the Uzbek political situation and prognostications on the future of the country. I've been following Uzbek politics f...


Смягчение последствий Jet Lag

Beating jet lag is the biggest challenges that travelers face today. In my time, I’ve traveled back and forth from Central Asia many times and I’ve learned a lot in the process. You can ask many pe...


Стратегическая упаковка

Every seasoned traveler has their own strategies for packing for a trip. It seems that the more a person has traveled, the less they carry with them for the road. I remember when I made my first tr...


Встречайте Неллю Мухамедову!

Say hello to Nellya Mukhamedova! Nellya is one of those people who just seem to have been born to be a tour guide and it shows in her warm and outgoing personality. “Ever since I was y...


Гольф в Центральной Азии

Golfing??? In Uzbekistan??? What??? That was my first reaction when a friend asked if I wanted to hit the links. While I’m not a golfer, I have played the game a few times in my life w...


Путешествие на поезде по Великому шелковому пути?

Wouldn't it be great to be able to travel from Central Asia to China by rail? I've always wanted to do this, but there’s never been a connection between the two. As a friend of mine told me today, ...


Топ 5 место для посещения в Казахстане

By far, Kazakhstan is the largest of the 5 ‘stans. In fact, the country is big enough to cover most of Europe! So as you can probably guess, it is a big challenge to name the top 5 tourist attract ...


Топ 5 мест для посещения в Таджикистане

Ever since Soviet times, Tajikistan has been one of the most neglected countries on the map and it seems to be that way even today. But there’s no reason why it should remain this way! Tajikistan h...


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