Семья Roxana Tour

Познакомьтесь с Джоном Ибрагимовым

Today’s post is the first in a series that will introduce you to the Roxana Tour staff. We think it’s important that you get to know us before your visit. This will help to make our first meeting a...


Встречайте Антон Шулаков!

As promised, we continue our series of postings that introduce you to our outstanding staff at Roxana Tour. We have the best people working with us, which have allowed us to become the #1 tour agen...


Знакомьтесь, Носир!

As you go through life, you’ll meet people that brighten your day because they’ve got that infectiously cheerful disposition that makes one feel safe, secure, and comfortable. At Roxana Tour, we’re...


Знакомьтесь, Диля Аманова!

Say hello to Dilya Amanova! Dilya was born and raised in Tashkent, and still lives there today. Ever since she was a kid, she was always interested in meeting people from other countri...


Встречайте Неллю Мухамедову!

Say hello to Nellya Mukhamedova! Nellya is one of those people who just seem to have been born to be a tour guide and it shows in her warm and outgoing personality. “Ever since I was y...


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