Встречайте Антон Шулаков!

As promised, we continue our series of postings that introduce you to our outstanding staff at Roxana Tour. We have the best people working with us, which have allowed us to become the #1 tour agency in Uzbekistan!

Meet Anton “Tony” Shulakov!

Anton is our Tour Manager, which means that in most instances he will be your first contact in Uzbekistan. On the surface, Anton is an easy-going guy and makes friends very easily. On the inside, you will find nobody that works harder to make sure that your tour meets and – in most cases – exceeds your expectations.

Anton is a native of Tashkent and has lived there his entire life. He’s a graduate of Tashkent State University, and he graduated with a B.S. degree in mathematics. While he always enjoys digging into the world of numbers, after graduating he found that he’d rather socialize with other people – especially from other countries. His dream brought him to Roxana Tour, and he’s been with us since 2007.

Anton is an excellent communicator, whether it’s through email, telephone, or in-person. “While I like to socialize with people in all mediums, I’m always happy to meet them for the first time when they come to Uzbekistan”, said Anton. Sometimes people are surprised after meeting him for the first time. “I have a deep voice and on the telephone I sound much older than I really am”, he related. “But when they actually see me, they are always surprised at how young I am”, he added.

When you talk to Anton, be sure to congratulate him on his marriage last August!

Posted by Greg Stephenson

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