Знакомьтесь, Диля Аманова!

Say hello to Dilya Amanova!

Dilya was born and raised in Tashkent, and still lives there today. Ever since she was a kid, she was always interested in meeting people from other countries. She shares this interest with her fellow Uzbeks, too, because they have an eternal curiosity to learn about other people and other parts of the world. Personally, I think this is one of the remnants of the ancient Silk Road that once traversed through Central Asia.

After graduating with a degree in English from the University of World Languages in Tashkent, Dilya became a guide with Roxana Tour and has been with us since 2007. She has supplemented her education by studying voraciously the long history of the Uzbeks in Central Asia. You see, some people are born for certain occupations, and Dilya was born to be a tour guide. “I love my job because not only do I represent my country to our guests, but I can learn from them, too”, she said the other day. And after a slight pause she added excitedly, “My country is a shining jewel and the people are the friendliest in the world! I want people to come here to learn about this for themselves!”

So when you come to Uzbekistan, be sure to take the time to visit with Dilya. She will make sure that you receive the very best that her country has to offer, whether it’s the architectural wonders, the outstanding food, or the best places to shop!

Posted by Greg Stephenson

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