Do not miss this event while you are on your Uzbekistan tours visiting Khiva!

The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the Development of Tourism and the Khorezm Region government are organizing the First International Tournament “Heroes' Games” in Khiva from June 7 to June 9 , 2019.

This event is being held with the support of the World Strongmen Federation (WSF) and the Federation of Powerful Games and Weight Lifting of Uzbekistan.

The international tournament is dedicated to the memory of the great son of the Uzbek people, Pahlavon Mahmud, who was an undefeated bogatyr-hero, a famous educator, philosopher and sufi in the countries of Central Asia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and India.
Bogatyrs-so called participants and international judges from Azerbaijan, Brazil, Greece, Togo, India, China, Latvia, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Japan, Central Asia and others will participate in the tournament.

The holding of this international event contributes to the expansion of international cooperation in the development of sports tourism, improving the image, promoting tourism potential and opportunities of Uzbekistan and its tourism potential on the world stage, and also aims to promote healthy lifestyles and stimulate youth interest in sports.

If you are interested on this event as a participant or a as a guest, please do not hesitate to ask our tour operators to make sure your Uzbekistan tours programs cover this area on 7-9 June.

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