Центр защиты красоты дрофы в Узбекистане

We often have request from our clients to combine some natural resorts in their Uzbekistan tours, so they can try some wild life experience. Recently some of our travelers visited the new preserve center for Bustards.

The center for the protection of beauty bustards is located about 50 kilometers from the city of Navoi and 300 hectares in the desert zone in the southwestern part.

The Center was established in April 2008 on the initiative of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President of the United Arab Emirates, Emir of Dubai.

The main activities of this organization called AYTAM are a set of activities aimed at supporting and maintaining sustainable management of the sustainable population of the Asian Corps in Uzbekistan, as well as annual campaigns to preserve wildlife.

On May 22 - International Day for Biological Diversity, AITAM and the Navoi Regional Department of Environmental Protection organized an event for the media and informed about:

“In 2007, for the first collection of wild birds, it was necessary to create the first livestock. The collection was held in 2012 with the permission of the Government of Uzbekistan. At the same time, in order to create a breeding ground for young birds that can breed additional birds released into the wild environment from 2008, the center works to increase the number of people under strict genetic control, said Rustam Tuhtamuradov, the head of the center.

The Asian bustard is a bird that lives in Central Asia. Flocks arrive in Uzbekistan in spring and breed in the region of Central Asia from March to June. In October, they fly to relatively hot countries - Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and the Arabian Peninsula.

The bustard spends most of his time in search of food on the ground. They prefer to live in the desert and semi-desert areas with a dry, ecologically clean and open area. This bird feeds on all sorts of plants and their seeds, small lizards, insects and other small vertebrates.

Most birds reach puberty at the age of two or three years. They attract their partners in the marriage period with a kind of dancing.

Layed eggs can hatch without the help of birds. It usually takes 21-22 days.

The swallow is a species of endangered species and is included in Appendix I to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Endangered Species that are classified as “weak” by the conservation community.

The main task of the Center is to implement an integrated strategy for the rehabilitation and protection of bird populations in Uzbekistan.

To achieve this, AYTAM is constantly developing new approaches in various fields, including ecology, physiology, nutrition and veterinary medicine. Comprehensive expert knowledge and fundamental and applied research are the basis of these approaches. Also they are considering including this destination to Uzbekistan tours packages in order to attract travelers and specialists from all of the world to share the experiences and knowledge.

The center has five departments for work.

The first is the care and reproductive care department. In this section, they collect eggs and conduct genetic research in the laboratory.

“In this section we have a total of 1980 birds. Of these, 841 are males, and 1139 are females. In this section, the birds feed mainly on nuts and worms. The daily egg is delivered to the hatchery, ” said Nilufar Husanova, department head.

The second is an incubation workshop. Eggs of birds are opened in special incubators in 21-22 days.

Third, watching and caring for chicks.

“In this section, the chicks are taken care of for ten days. During this time the birds feed every half hour. About fifty workers are engaged in this work during the day. There are currently about 750 chicks in the department, ”says Dilrabo Hashimova, head of the department.

Fourth Section, Deportation Department. Here ten-day birds are taught wildlife for twenty days. Then it is vaccinated and placed in special tunnels.

In the fifth stage, the birds prepare for the wild before the start of a new life.

In each process, the birds are under the control of staff and veterinarians. Currently French specialists are working in the center.

Belarusian environmental ornithologists conduct voluntary environmental and scientific research at the center.

The center employs 100 people. During the season, the number of employees is up to 200 people. 90% of workers are from Ortakul village, 15 km from the center and the remaining 10% are from the city of Navoi.

In the future, it is planned to build a fully integrated system. The new center will meet the objectives of the project and will be of higher quality.

The season for the release of birds into the wild is mainly September-October which can be considered as the highest season for Uzbekistan tours, which gives a great chance for the travelers who like to see the wild life events to participate in such days in the center. From 2012 to the present, the center has released about 10,000 young birds.

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