Американо-узбекская торговая палата

The American – Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce held its 20th annual Business Forum yesterday in Washington, D.C. I'd never attended one of their events before, but I was very interested to learn more about the work that they do, and meet other people like me who have a passion for all things Uzbekistan.

American businessmen spent a few minutes each describing the successes they've achieved over the years and suggestions to help make other businesses attain success, too. Delegates from Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments, and Trade, presented an outline of investment opportunities available that have the highest priority with their government. Other representatives from the U.S. government and non-governmental organizations presented their positive views on the investment climate in Uzbekistan, too.

In my view, Uzbekistan was, and remains today, a country with an economic potential that surpasses that of its neighboring countries. However, most international experts agree that until the soum (local currency) becomes fully convertible will Uzbekistan be able to move forward with its economic progress.

Posted by Greg Stephenson

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