Автопробег по Индии в Центральной Азии

On September 19, the India Central Asia Car Rally commenced its 3,000 km race through some of the most challenging terrain on the face of the earth. Starting in Astana, Kazakhstan the participants will move toward the border with China, then detour to the south to Almaty. From there they will proceed to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and south to the Ferghana Valley. In Uzbekistan, the rally will pass through Andijon, Kokand, Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, and finishing in Urgench.

I have this preconceived notion that participants in events like this wear goggles and scarfs while tracking through mud, negotiating through herds of goats, and scaling insurmountable mountains while fixing their cars with duct tape and gum wrappers. While most of this may true, these racers are composed of 15 teams of academics, foreign affairs experts, and scientists and they probably carry a good set of tools with them.

If you happen to be in one of the cities when the Rally teams are there, stop by for a chat to meet the drivers. I’m sure it will prove to be one of the most interesting conversations you’ll have while you are visiting.

Contact our office in Tashkent (travel.roxanatour@gmail.com) for more information and opportunities to learn more about this fascinating rally through Central Asia!

A police car escorts rally participants from Astana, Kazakhstan. (Photo: Shubhreet Kaur Kochhar)

Posted by Greg Stephenson

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